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Animal Eco Blog

Your animal herbalist's blog
Yoga for dogs

Yoga for humans… And for animals?

Yoga is a discipline that connects three important factors: the body, breathing and mind. Yoga is much more than physical postures, it is also breathing and meditation exercises that help improve overall health.

In its beginnings, thousands of years ago, yoga was a spiritual practice in people's daily lives. However, it has never been as present as it is today in Western countries as well, since it is used as exercise and with the aim of reducing stress.

Others studies y creative writing They already talk about Yoga as a source of benefits for our health. However, if Yoga is so positive for us, why not start practicing it with our dogs? We are not the first to ask this question!

Doing yoga with your dog or cat: Doga

What is yoga for animals or Doga? This discipline consists of practicing a Yoga session adapted to the company of our furry friends while we interact with them in a healthy and respectful way, reinforcing the bond that has been created bilaterally. You can practice yoga for dogs and yoga for cats

Practicing these Yoga sessions for dogs is very beneficial and rewarding for both you and the animal, in addition to helping to promote relaxation, well-being and physical contact between the two. It is a habit that will help you a lot to strengthen your relationship and create a safe environment in which you can grow together. 

As stated Patricia guerrero, canine trainer and pioneer in yoga for animals in Spain, Doga or yoga for animals happens when the animal's well-being is really taken into account and the person becomes a mere extra who carries out the activity and respects space and time of the furry one.

If you want to learn how to practice dog yoga at home, we recommend the book “Authentic canine yoga”. you can buy it here.

meditation with my dog

Meditation with animals

Meditation with animals is a companion discipline to yoga with animals that helps strengthen the bond between the furry and the human and relax together. 

Including our furry companion in this exercise is not an easy task and will require time, dedication and patience, but we assure you that the results are truly gratifying and that the effort is truly worth it, since you are improving both your emotional state and that of your body. your furry companion. 

The connection and complicity between furry and human is also trained and is much more essential than the tricks that have become practically mandatory in our society such as “sit down” or “give me your paw.” When we decide to adopt an animal we are implicitly deciding to make an extra effort of communication and connection in which words have no place and finding another way to communicate is basic: it is at this point that yoga for animals and animals plays an essential role. meditation for animals.

Meditation course for animals

On the Internet there are countless guided meditation exercises with which you can start practicing this good practice. However, despite having so much information at hand, not all of it is of quality. 

For this reason we recommend the website animal natural life, in which Mercè Giménez Genovès, a veterinarian and passionate about meditation, explains how to start meditating from scratch with your animals. As this professional states, in many cases the limitation to meditating with your furry companions is you. And we very much agree, that's why taking advantage of the resources offered by this website specialized in natural therapies for animals is a great idea to make meditation with animals become something very positive in your daily life. 

Essential oils for meditation with animals

As we told you in another post on our AnimalEco blog about aromatherapy in dogs and catsAromatherapy is an alternative medicine technique that uses essential oils from nature; as well as plants, bark, herbs and flowers; with the aim of promoting both physical and psychological well-being. Aromatherapy in dogs and cats is one of the natural therapies we work with in our herbalist for dogs and cats

Use natural treatment aromatherapy during meditation with dogs and cats is a way to enhance relaxation. Thanks to the properties of essential oils, we help concentration and increase sensory perception through one of the most developed senses of our furry dogs: smell. 

Essential oils for pets

Start meditating with dogs or cats

If you have already decided to start meditating with your dog or cat and want to help you with an appropriate formula of essential oils for animals, contact us so we can help you choose the best combination of essential oils for your furry friend. 

In our animal herbalist we offer you aromatherapy consultation for animals to help your furry friend relax. These consultations are made by telephone and through specific questions, we know the animal's needs to create the most appropriate essential oil mixture for your dog or cat. It's easier than you think and it will do both you and your dog or cat a lot of good!

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