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Kidney and bladder for dogs

17,60 VAT included

It helps with kidney and bladder problems, increases the amount of urine and eliminates kidney and bladder problems and gently supports drainage through the kidney.



Small dogs up to 10 kg: 1/2 spoon per day in food for 3 days. Rest 3 days and repeat again | Dogs 10 kg to 20 kg: 1 spoon per day in food for 3 days. Rest 3 days and repeat again | Dogs from 20 kg to 30 kg: 2 spoons a day in food for 3 days. Rest 3 days and repeat again | Dogs over 30 kg: 3 spoons a day in food for 3 days. Rest for 3 days and repeat again





Riñón y vejiga (Nieren-Kräuter de PerNaturam) for dogs es un suplemento alimenticio natural en polvo que:

  • Helps with kidney and bladder problems.
  • Aumenta la cantidad de orina y ayuda a eliminar los problemas en riñones y la vejiga.
  • Gently supports drainage through the kidney. 
  • They can be administered over a long period of time.


Ingredients of the product for kidney and bladder in dogs

Orthosiphon, horsetail and grass


Analytical components and levels

Proteína cruda 9,3%, contenido de grasa 1,8%, fibra cruda 15,5%, ceniza cruda 27,6%. Minerales; Ca 2,01%, P 0.17% y Na 0,04%


Recommended dose

  • Small dogs up to 10 kg: 1/2 spoon per day in food for 3 days. Rest for 3 days and repeat
  • Dogs 10 kg to 20 kg: 1 spoon per day in food for 3 days. Rest for 3 days and repeat
  • Dogs from 20 kg to 30 kg: 2 spoons a day in food for 3 days. Rest for 3 days and repeat
  • Perros de más de 30 kg: 3 cucharas al día en la comida durante 3 días. Descansar 3 días y volver a repeti

*La cuchara dosificadora contiene 7,5g.


250 grams


*Nieren-Kräuter (Hierbas para los riñones) está elaborado por PerNaturam, marca alemana especializada en fitoterapia para animales. 

*If you want more advice on how to help your animals with natural products and therapies, we recommend reading our blog AnimalEco and subscribe to our newsletter.

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