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Nephron kidney and bladder for cats 100g

12,98 VAT included

Helps eliminate kidney and bladder problems in cats. Supports drainage through the kidney in cats.


1 gram per day for every 5 kilos of weight per day


On demand with veterinary review



Nephron kidney and bladder for cats powder that helps with kidney and bladder problems in cats.

  • It increases the amount of urine and eliminates kidney and bladder problems.
  • Gently supports drainage through the kidney. They can be administered over a long period of time.


Kidney and Bladder Ingredients for Cats

Horse tail (equisetum arvense), orthosiphon (Orthosiphon stamineus) and beans.

Horse tail: It is known for its diuretic properties, meaning it can increase urine production and assist in the elimination of waste and toxins from the body. This makes it useful in cases of fluid retention and edema. Relieves urinary tract problems, such as urinary tract infections and cystitis. Additionally, it improves blood circulation

Ortosiphon- Has diuretic properties, meaning it can increase urine production and assist in the elimination of waste and toxins from the body. This makes it useful in cases of fluid retention, edema and urinary tract problems. Due to its diuretic capacity, orthosiphon can help improve kidney health and prevent the formation of kidney stones by facilitating the elimination of minerals and waste through urine. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in relieving inflammation in the body. And it also contains natural antioxidants.


Analytical Constituents:

Crude protein 10.8%, fat content 2.1%, crude fiber 14.2%, crude ash 14.6%. Minerals Ca 1.58%, P 0.17%, Na 0.01%


Recommended dose

1g per 5 kilos of weight daily.

*(Measuring spoon contains 1,5 g)



Administer with your food daily


Manufactured by German company PerNaturam, specialized in animal supplements for dogs, cats and horses for more than 30 years.

*For more information about urinary stones in cats, click on this link.

*If you want more advice on how to help your animals with natural products and therapies, we recommend reading our blog AnimalEco and subscribe to our newsletter

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