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Book “Free choice” Applied zoopharmacognosis Mary J.Rodriguez

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Practicing zoopharmacognosis means that we, humans, must give them the spotlight, something that is not so easy for us sometimes when we are used to “conducting the orchestra” ourselves.

Is it possible that plants can exert a profound influence on the physical, mental and emotional health of living beings? Absolutely! Do animals know how to choose what is best for them at all times? Another resounding yes. This is the focus of the call zoopharmacognosis or animal self-medication.

“Free choice” is a book that contributes to remedying the lack of applied zoopharmacognosis manuals in Spanish and offers a broad vision of the technique at both a theoretical and practical level.

The word zoopharmacognosis was invented in 1987 by Dr. Eloy Rodríguez, a biochemist at Cornell University in the United States. It is made up of three Greek words: zoo (animal), pharmakon (medicine) and gnosis (knowledge). Zoopharmacognosis defines the process by which animals self-medicate using plants and their essential oils, algae, clays and other natural remedies.

The motivation of the author of “Free Choice”, Mary J. Rodríguez, a long-time therapist, to write this book was to give people the tools and knowledge to be able to offer their animals the possibility of choosing. Animals that coexist with human beings would thus regain the freedom to choose plants and other natural elements that will benefit them physically and emotionally, in a similar way to what they would do in Nature.


Who should read this book?

  • Behavior experts.
  • Experts in behavior modification.
  • Veterinary clinic assistants.
  • Dog grooming staff.
  • Shelter staff.
  • People involved in animal rescue.
  • Trainers, dog educators.
  • Any person who shares their life with an animal.


*If you want a consultation on applied zoopharmacognosis or are interested in a course on the subject, contact us: informacion@herbolariosoldeinvierno.es

We leave you more information in this link:https://herbolariosoldeinvierno.es/curso-teorico-practico-de-zoofarmacognosis-aplicada-en-perros/

*If you want more advice on how to help your animals with natural products and therapies, we recommend reading our blog AnimalEco and subscribe to our newsletter.

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