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Book “feline language”

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“Feline Language” is an illustrated guide by Lili Chin to understand your cat.

Book “feline language” whose author Lili Chin has been illustrating materials for the most prestigious ethologists and animal educators for years. Her designs, in fact, are a common resource in the main training and dissemination spaces.
His previous successful book, canine language, It has been translated into more than twenty languages ​​in one year and is helping people of all ages to better understand their dogs. Now, he has put his art, his wit, and his wisdom to help us understand cats.

Being able to observe and interpret feline body language is the first step in making your cats feel safe and happy in your home.

What are you going to discover in “Feline Language”?

In a practical and visual way, it collects all the contexts and elements of that communication. With a simple and accurate line, of astonishing clarity and delicate beauty, her drawings teach us, clarify us, fill us with tenderness and captivate us at the same time.

Lili chin says in the introduction to “Feline Language”: “At the time of writing this book, there is not as much scientific information about the body language of cats as there is about that of dogs. However, there is enough verified research that shows us how cats communicate.

Why do my cats rub their faces against the corner of the wall and scratch everything?

Do they want me to pet them or do they need space?

Do they feel safe, scared, relaxed or frustrated?

Are they playing or fighting?


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