Herbalist for animals

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Kitaverm internal antiparasitic

22,00 VAT included

Liquid natural internal antiparasitic for dog and cat 


10 drops per kg of animal weight


Every three months


In the mouth, with a spoon or syringe, or into food.

Kitaverm internal antiparasitic 50 ml natural liquid for dogs and cats based on plant extracts whose properties are to act as a vermifuge against ancylostoma and trichuris worms, tapeworms, candida and other intestinal bacteria and worms.


Ingredients of the natural internal antiparasitic

  • Grenadier Bark.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Pumpkin seed extracts.
  • Pyrethrum.
  • Thyme essential oil.
  • Melaleuca (tea tree).
  • Excipient csp 100 g.


Properties of the natural internal antiparasitic:

Grenadier bark is a powerful vermifuge, specifically for tapeworms. Mugwort, on the other hand, is an aromatic plant that has numerous virtues, such as a vermifuge for worms, ancylostoma and trichuris and an intestinal antispasmodic action.

Pumpkin seeds have been known since ancient times as a vermifuge for tapeworms.  Pyrethrum, flora of the Chrysanthemum family, has powerful vermifuge properties for trichuris and ancylostoma worms. Thyme and Tea Tree are antiseptics, and act against abnormal intestinal bacteria such as candida.


Administration of the natural internal antiparasitic:

Half a milliliter (½ m) or, equivalently, 10 drops of the product will be administered; for every kg of weight. The product will be administered one day every three months and the way to administer it will be with the help of a spoon, with a syringe or within the food provided to the animal. This is a natural antiparasitic, a natural treatment for animals that is easy to administer.

*If you want more advice on how to help your animals with natural products and therapies, we recommend reading our blog AnimalEco and subscribe to our newsletter.

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