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Intestinal for cats

14,30 VAT included

Relieves spasms of gastroenteritis and slow digestion with vomiting and nausea. It prevents the growth of unwanted germs and protozoa (coccidia) in the digestive tract and helps reduce the effects of poisoning and diarrhea. Promotes the expulsion of intestinal parasites.


0,5 g to 1 g per day for 3 days in a row

Intestinal for cats relieves spasms of the gastroenteritis and slow digestion with vomiting and nausea. Prevents the growth of germs and unwanted protozoa (coccidia) in the digestive tract and helps reduce the effects of poisoning and diarrhea. Promotes the expulsion of intestinal parasites.


Components and analytical contents Crude protein 8,6%, fat content 1,6%, crude fiber 9,1%, crude ash 5,1%

Minerals Ca 0,79%, P 0,16%, Na 0,15%


Guar gum, dandelion root, wild marjoram, olive leaves, oregano concentrates, sage and thyme.

  • Guar gum is a fiber that promotes intestinal transit, helping in the prevention and treatment of Diabetes mellitus. Reduce the Colesterol levels in the blood. Perfect for cases of diarrhea by absorbing excess fluid.
  • Dandelion root is a medicinal plant used to: Reduce flatulence, gas and abdominal pain. Improve intestinal transit. Reduce fluid retention due to its diuretic capacity
  • Wild marjoram helps relax muscles, making it very effective for treat stomach cramps and diarrhea. It is also antibacterial with urological use, its consumption being highly recommended to treat urinary tract infections.
  • Olive leaves, against candida, balanced blood sugar and blood pressure and intestinal parasites
  • Oregano concentrate: It is antimicrobial, treats tgastrointestinal disorders, bronchitis, muscle pain, allergies, fatigue, and urinary tract disorders
  • Sage concentrate: It is a digestive tonic that relieves the spasms of gastroenteritis and slow digestion with vomiting and nausea. In addition, it is an expectorant and a great anti-inflammatory.
  • Thyme concentrate: is an antitussive: it relieves cough. Expectorant: expels mucus and phlegm from the bronchi. Mucolytic: dissolves mucus. Furthermore, it is antibacterial and antiviral: fights bacterial infections and viruses.

Format: Powder 50 grams


Add to your food 0,5g to 1g daily for 3 days in a row. The measuring cup holds 1,5 g.

Intestinal for cats is a product manufactured by the German company Pernaturam specialized in animal supplements for dogs, cats and horses for more than 30 years.

*If you want more advice on how to help your animals with natural products and therapies, we recommend reading our blog AnimalEco and subscribe to our Newsletter.


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