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Cronicare Oil

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1% CBD for dogs and cats with chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, cognitive dysfunction, sleep disturbances, and arthritis.


Minimum amount: 1 drop per kg of weight, once a day | Average amount: 1 drop per kg of weight, 1 times a day | Maximum amount: 2 drops per kg of weight, 2 times a day


On demand with veterinary review



Cronicare oil for dogs and cats is an extract of hemp oil, omega 3 and 1% CBD with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anxiolytic properties. for small dogs and cats.


Indications for Cronicare oil:


Ingredients of Cronicare oil for dogs and cats:

Fish oil, medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil, hemp extraction oil and CBD 1% 

– Total Omega 3: 28.5%
– EPA: 13.5%
– DHA: 9%



In your mouth directly and alternatively mix into your food



  • Minimum amount 1 drop per kg of weight, once a day
  • Average amount 1 drop per kg of weight, 2 times a day
  • Maximum amount: 2 drops per kg of weight, 2 times a day



Container with 30 ml dropper dispenser.


How much cbd does cronicare contain?

Cronicare contains the 1% of CBD


What is hemp extraction oil?

Hemp extraction oil comes from the Cannabis sativa plant, which has particular characteristics of size, fiber and biochemical profile. In Cronicare for dogs and cats, only those varieties of Cannabis sativa whose cultivation is permitted in the European Union are used. The oil extracted from these plants is a raw material authorized for use in animal feed.


Why is the oil extracted from the whole plant used?

Whole plant oil contains different phytocannabinoids that help each other to metabolize faster compared to separate molecules. This synergy is known as the Entourage effect or entourage effect.


Where does hemp extraction oil work?

Phytocannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex mammalian regulatory structure that includes receptors, ligands (endocannabinoids), and synthesis and degradation enzymes.


Why does CroniCare Oil have fish oil?

Fish oil is one of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids, mainly EPA and DHA, which promote optimal cognitive, cardiovascular and joint health.


What are the advantages of omega 3 of animal origin?

Dogs and cats have a limited ability to take advantage of plant-based omega 3s. On the other hand, fish oil provides omega 3 fatty acids that can be used directly by the body, without the need to transform them. This generates a much faster and more effective response.


What are medium chain triglycerides?

MCTs are a fraction of coconut oil that is used as an energy source. It contains a very low percentage of THC (less than 0,5%), the molecule that causes side psychoactive effects, so its effect is not noticeable on the organism.


*Made by Stangest, a Spanish company in the veterinary sector, especially dedicated to companion animals. It was created in 1994 and most of its products have been developed by its team and are manufactured in its own facilities.

*If you want more advice on how to help your animals with natural products and therapies, we recommend reading our blog AnimalEco and subscribe to our newsletter. If you want to know other options that contain CBD, in this article You have more information, as well as in this section from our online store.

*For serious pathologies, we recommend going to a veterinarian who will prescribe individualized treatment. If you don't know integrative veterinarians (with knowledge of phytotherapy), we have collaborators. Contact us: informacion@herbolariosoldeinvierno.es

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