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Cordyceps powder, greater energy and better breathing

27,50 VAT included

Cordyceps sinensis is a mushroom used in traditional Chinese medicine to increase energy and treat respiratory diseases in dogs and cats.


0,5 grams for cats and dogs up to 10 kilos once a day in their food. 1 gram in dogs weighing 1 to 10kg once a day in their food. 20 grams measured in dogs weighing 1 kg or more once a day in their food.


La duración dependerá de la desaparición de los síntomas, pudiendo tomarlo de forma permanente



Cordyceps sinensis, es un hongo usado en la medicina tradicional china para increase energy and treat respiratory diseases in dogs and cats. 

  • trata la inflamación de las vías respiratorias, como el asma
  • reduce los niveles de colesterol LDL y los de triglicéridos en sangre
  • mejora en la salud cardiovascular
  • coadyuvante tratamiento para la hepatitis B
  • powerful antioxidant
  • strengthens the immune system

Utilizado en medicina integrativa en perros y gatos



50 gramos en polvo.


Indications and dosage recommended by the manufacturer

(for personalized dosages, a professional will prescribe it)

0,5 grams for cats and dogs up to 10 kilos once a day in their food.

1 gram in dogs weighing 10 to 20kg once a day in their food.

2 grams measured in dogs weighing 21 kg or more once a day in their food.


La duración dependerá de la desaparición de los síntomas.



cordyceps sinensis 100%


*Made by  VETtherm®, specialist in organic products such as medicinal mushrooms, medicinal herbs and herbal mixtures for animals.

*If you want more advice on how to help your animals with natural products and therapies, we recommend reading our blog AnimalEco and subscribe to our newsletter.En nuestro blog animalEco podrás tener más información sobre la mycotherapy for animals. Many integrative veterinarians support mycotherapy and specifically in the USA there are already many studies published. You have an example of this in this link.

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