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Shiatsu consultation

What is it?

The word 'Shiatsu' comes from Japanese and means 'finger pressure'. Based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it aims to restore the flow of vital energy.


During the consultation, the therapist seeks gentle and respectful contact with the hands, detecting energy imbalances in the meridians through gentle palpation and activating energy channels and key acupuncture points through pressure and other massage techniques.
Through Shiatsu it is possible to decongest the organs, relax the muscles, balance energy, awaken the capacity for self-healing, produce deep relaxation of the nervous system and improve the circulatory system. It helps relieve chronic diseases, increases vital energy in older animals and releases anxieties, traumas, stress and mental imbalances.
It is also used for preventive purposes, improving digestion and defenses or to accompany palliative care. It is a non-invasive technique that is usually received by the animal easily.

Contact: ZenderoAnimal

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