Herbalist for animals

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Garlic and fenugreek

18,70 VAT included

Garlic and fenugreek are powerful anti-inflammatories, antiparasitics, antiseptics and antibiotics for dogs.


Dogs weighing less than 10kg: 1/4 tablespoon daily | Dogs weighing more than 10kg: 1/2 tablespoon daily (0,3g) per 10kg. Administer for 3 weeks. Then, on alternate days.





Garlic and fenugreek are both powerful anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antiseptic and antibiotic for dogs.

Fenugreek or fenugreek, is a powerful antiseptic, a great anti-inflammatory and is useful for treating digestive problems gastritis, constipation, loss of appetite. They also help against arteriosclerosis, hemorrhoids or cholesterol and high triglyceride levels and high sugar levels.

Garlic rIt strengthens the immune system, supports the heart and the circulatory system, helps with skin problems, is anti-inflammatory and internal antiparasitic.


Composition of garlic and fenugreek

Garlic semolina (allium sativum) and fenugreek (trigonella foenum graecum).



Product for dogs, put in their daily food.



  • Dogs weighing less than 10kg: 1/4 tablespoon daily
  • Dogs weighing more than 10kg: 1/2 tablespoon daily (0,3g) per 10kg.

Administer for 3 weeks. Then, on alternate days.



Garlic and fenugreek from AJC Nature, comes in 150g powder format.


*Made by AJC Nature French specialist since 2004 in phytotherapy and aromatherapy. Producer and manufacturer of medicinal plant synergies and food supplements for horses, dogs, cats and humans.

*If you want more advice on how to help your animals with natural products and therapies, we recommend reading our blog AnimalEco and subscribe to our newsletter.


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