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Your animal herbalist's blog
April 20
Judith González is the veterinarian behind Namasvet. She specializes in Feline Medicine and we met her through her Instagram profile. We love it, not only...
June 23, 2023
Mamen Muñoz is an integrative veterinarian from Cádiz with a very clear mission: to improve the quality of life of animals through emotional well-being,...
June 4, 2023
Herbalist for animals was created in 2014, how has awareness evolved in your opinion about the care of animals that live in a...
November 1, 2021
Breathing, along with food, are the pillars of life, right? Therefore, we want to highlight the importance of the respiratory system and how we can...
July 12, 2021
Gemma Hervás is a veterinarian located in Barcelona and who has more than 20 years of professional experience. We have spoken with her and we...
June 2, 2021
What is mycotherapy? Mycotherapy is a natural therapy that is based on the use of certain types of mushrooms with beneficial properties for both...