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separation anxiety

Your animal herbalist's blog
4 September, 2023
After enjoying a generally wonderful vacation, both animals and their guardians may face difficulties returning to the daily routine....
February 12
Zendero Animal is a project created in 2016 by Maike Bosselmann, a specialist in shiatsu for animals, Traditional Chinese Medicine, craniosacral therapy, bioenergetics and...
26 September, 2021
Dogs are gregarious animals like humans, so it is not surprising that they have a hard time getting used to being alone. Cats don't...
February 5
IntegranDog are Izaskun Ibáñez, canine educator and technician in animal-assisted interventions, and Marta Arroyo, ethologist specialized in canine behavior. She was born in the middle of...
14 September, 2015
You are a veterinarian and a doctor in Veterinary Medicine and Anatomy, as well as an expert in traditional Chinese medicine, among other qualifications. Are you comfortable with the name...