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Phytotherapy | Organic food | Natural therapies

To prevent the onset of ailments and also to alleviate or completely solve diseases that have already developed. To avoid side effects of conventional drugs used by allopathic medicine, especially in long-term treatments.

Furthermore, on many occasions, phytotherapy products and nutritional supplements based on vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. They represent an alternative to conventional veterinary treatments that have not worked or for which there is no specific drug. They also, of course, constitute a complementary aid in many of these treatments.

No, since they are not medicines, but nutritional supplements. These are products similar to those sold in a herbalist "for humans" that reinforce the functions of the body in deficiency states, relieve the symptoms of numerous ailments, help prevent the development of certain diseases, etc. They are a complement to a lifestyle that should be based on quality and organic food (with the lowest possible percentage of artificial additives), exercise and emotional balance.

However, and above all, in cases of chronic or serious ailments, we always recommend a prior consultation with a holistic veterinarian who has the necessary knowledge of natural therapies such as phytotherapy, acupuncture, nutrition, Bach flowers, etc. If you want a consultation with one of our holistic veterinarians, write to us:

Reading the labels carefully and checking if they have an organic certification issued by government or independent organizations that have carried out the relevant checks to ensure that the dry feed or wet food contains at least 95% organic ingredients. This means that they come from organic crops and livestock, which means that, for example, organic agriculture means that it includes poultry, livestock and fish fed with organic feed free of genetically modified organisms (GMO). These are animals and plants that have not been exposed to hormones, herbicides and pesticides. Furthermore, organic certifications are a guarantee that no artificial preservatives are added (substances such as vitamin E or rosemary are used instead), chemical dyes or flavoring substances.

It is true that these certifications make products more expensive to a certain extent, but they represent a guarantee for the consumer against marketing that describes something as “natural” without providing more arguments. Some of these certifications are:



The courier company will leave you a notice to agree on a new delivery date. If this is not the case, please contact us ( to find out if any incident has occurred.

If the order arrives with any anomaly, you must inform us immediately by writing to us at attaching photographs of the damaged product as proof of its condition. You can find more information about the return process and other questions related to purchases in our online store, here.

Nutritional supplements and phytotherapeutic products are natural preparations that include in the
container a recommended dosage. In our case, we offer you products with dosage
recommended for animals. Regarding the administration period, supplementation could be
continuous in case of chronic ailments (e.g. pain due to osteoarthrosis, arthritis, etc.) or punctual (e.g.
digestive discomfort). Of course, to achieve greater effectiveness, it is most recommended that a
integrative veterinarian (with knowledge of natural medicine) prescribes a treatment
individualized for your animal. If you don't know any, contact us and we will try to help you.

In the case of humans, the use of medicinal plants for healing purposes is a practice that
It has been used since time immemorial for its benefits. But to ensure your safety and
effectiveness, you have to choose phytotherapeutic preparations from specialized laboratories and follow the dosage
recommended on the packaging or, in the case of animals, prescribed by the veterinarian. Although the
phytotherapy provides multiple benefits, certain plants or preparations may have
contraindications with certain medications or pathologies (e.g. kidney or liver conditions,
high blood pressure or in the case of taking anticoagulants). In these cases, the integrative veterinarian (with
knowledge of natural medicine) will be in charge of prescribing an individualized treatment to
your animal. If you don't know any, contact us and we will try to help you.

Depending on the courier service you choose in our online store, the delivery time for the
peninsula is 1 to 2 business days from when it leaves our warehouse (Monday to Friday at 18 p.m.
If you want to place an order for the Balearic and Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, contact us:

Payment by credit card (Visa and Mastercard), by PayPal, Bizum and by bank transfer.

At Winter Sol Animal Herbalist we use completely secure payment platforms. To the
pay by credit card, the banking entity guarantees the security of the transaction through the
3D-Secure payment system (uses SSL 2.0 with 128-bit encryption keys), just like your
PayPal and Bizum account. More information about Bizum at

Please note that as of February 1, 2021, the European directive 2015/2366 of
Payment Services (PSD2) that requires double authentication for the buyer who wishes to make a payment
electronic over 30 euros. Therefore, when you place an order greater than that figure, you must
Enter the code that you will receive on your mobile phone via SMS or through the application
bank that you have downloaded on your phone.

You just have to sign up, putting your email in the corresponding section that you will find at
enter our website: You can unsubscribe at the time