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Animal Eco Blog

Your animal herbalist's blog

“The metamorphic technique releases energy blockages from the prenatal stage,” Elena Jiménez, psychologist

The focus of the metamorphic technique is to revive the innate healing intelligence that we all possess and eliminate deep blockages in the organism's energy pattern. This is explained by the fact that during the gestation period our physical, mental and emotional structures are formed. If they have been blocked after birth, with the passage of years and life circumstances, the metamorphic “massage” recovers them and achieves a unity of body, mind and emotions. By balancing energy patterns, the cause of many health problems would also be eliminated. Its applications include the treatment of depression, stress or hyperactivity.

For what cases is it indicated?

It is a beneficial technique for everyone, from someone who is interested in their personal development, as well as for people with insecurities, low self-esteem, in times of vital changes, anxiety problems, low mood, insomnia, fibromyalgia, as well as for children with autism, Down Syndrome and learning disabilities.

How is a session developed?

The session usually lasts one hour. First, the feet are massaged for 20 minutes each, then the hands for 5 minutes each and finally the head, for about 10 minutes.

As always, we are in a rush... how long does it take to notice the changes?

This is something very variable and depends on each person, there are those who notice it from the first day and others take 3 or 4 sessions; It also depends a lot on the resistance of each person. But, in any case, in the meantime, it is a very pleasant massage to receive.

 * Cell: 91 168 69 27

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