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Animal Eco Blog

Your animal herbalist's blog

How to strengthen our dog or cat's defenses with natural products?

The changes of season are times when it is very important strengthen the immune system so as not to catch colds or worsen chronic diseases. Above all, the arrival of cold weather in autumn and winter is especially delicate for animals in poor health or that are already seniors. Therefore, we suggest you add to your meal nutritional supplements natural plant-based products such as echinacea or ashwagandha, or medicinal mushrooms such as reishi or maitake. Other supplements with vitamins and minerals would also be very useful as an extra energy boost. Of course, we recommend that you review your diet and opt for a natural diet (we offer you organic food y nutritional counseling).

And we also want to draw attention to the use of antibiotics, because they affect the immune system, based on the opinion of Virgina Castedo, one of the integrative veterinary with whom we collaborate: “In conventional veterinary medicine we try to solve these diseases with antibiotics or glucocorticoids, but antibiotics are being used disproportionately and unnecessarily, which has led us to a situation in which many bacteria that were previously sensitive to antibiotics have become resistant and Antibiotic therapy no longer works as it used to. Furthermore, antibiotics do not enhance the immune system, but rather act directly on the bacteria, killing them. The antibiotic is bactericidal, it kills bacteria, without distinction, pathogenic and non-pathogenic.”

Furthermore, he explains: “We must remember that the gastrointestinal tract is one of the body's first lines of defense where a multitude of bacteria live that are beneficial to our health and essential for having a well-regulated and healthy immune system. Therefore, every time antibiotics are consumed, those beneficial bacteria are destroyed. I have been treating animals for many years and have very rarely needed to resort to antibiotics thanks to plants and fruits such as echinacea, grapefruit, thyme, oregano, lavender, mushrooms, etc. Also bee propolis is very useful".

If you want more information, visit us at C/ Blasco de Garay 52 in Madrid or consult our Online store.

You can also call us at: 649 85 25 24


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